Arrival Step is the entry process for yacht travelers arriving at Port Takola Yacht Marina & Boatyard. This includes immigration clearance, submitting an application with the Marine Department, and customs checks. We also offer a dinghy transfer to the nearby immigration office to ensure a smooth and lawful entry into Thailand.
Visit the immigration office with all necessary documents, such as a passport and visa
Report to the Marine Department via the marina office and submit the online application 48 hours in advance
Complete customs checks for any items brought from abroad. For stays over 6 months, request an extension
Departure Step is the exit process for yacht travelers leaving Thailand from Port Takola Yacht Marina & Boatyard. This step covers customs clearance, submitting information with the Marine Department, and handling immigration formalities. Our team is ready to assist to ensure a seamless departure experience.
Notify customs for an inspection of all goods and ensure documents are in order
Inform the Marine Department through the marina office and submit the departure application online
Visit immigration to finalize exit procedures with all travel documents ready
Krabi is an official port of entry into Thailand. International/domestic clearance has a simple procedure and is convenient. Below is a simple guideline for international arrival.
We offer a dinghy transfer to Krabi Immigration office for formality clearance.
Krabi Immigration office is located just across the Jilad River. The office requires a minimum of 1 person to enter as a crew member who is allowed to stay up to 30 days only. Extension applications are not permitted. If the crew plans to stay longer than 30 days, it is advisable to obtain a visa before arrival.
Passengers will be allowed to stay in Thailand according to visa type and country. Details on visa types can be found here.
A summary of countries entitled to Visa Exemption and Visa on Arrival to Thailand can be found here. Types of Visa
The nearest embassy before arriving in Thailand is in Penang. Visa applicants must make an advance appointment.
International arrivals and departures must submit an online application at the marina office. The application must be submitted within 48 hours.
Foreign vessels must report domestic clearance when sailing across provinces.
Foreign visiting yachts can stay for up to 36 months in the Kingdom. This is provided in periods of 6 months. An extension can be done in person or by an agent.
The Krabi Custom House is located at Chao Fah Pier, approximately 4.5 km from the Krabi Immigration Office. A taxi transfer from the Immigration office to the Custom House is recommended, but visiting by water is also possible.
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